Marco Sebastiani

Marco Sebastiani is currently an associate professor of materials science at the University of Rome “Roma Tre”, and is serving as editor of the international journal “Materials and Design”. In the last few years, he was awarded with a Fulbright Scholarship, have already coordinated several large European projects (Horizon Europe, H2020 and FP7) and a large national project (PRIN2020). He has pioneered a novel method to measure residual stress at small scales (namely, the FIB-DIC micro-ring core), as well as an original methodology to measure fracture toughness at the micro-scale (namely, the pillar splitting method).​

Dr. Eng. Marco Sebastiani ​

Assistant Professor ​

University of Roma Tre 

Materials Science and Technology ​

Via della Vasca Navale, 79 – 00144 ​

Rome, Italy ​

Email: ​