NanoMECommons 2nd Exploitation and Dissemination Open Day Workshop
The nanoMECommons Project is pleased to announce its 2nd Exploitation and Dissemination Open Day Workshop. This hybrid event is being held in Cambridge, UK.
Location: Homerton College, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PH, UK – (Hybrid meeting)
Date: Wednesday, 20 November 2024
Time: 09:00 – 17:00
Confirmed participants are coming from the following organisations: Airbus, Siemens Industry Software, Johnson Matthey, NLR – Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre, Centro Ricerche FIAT, Fraunhofer IWM, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Keysight Technologies, Ansys, Nanografi Nano Technology, CEA, IMDEA, UCL, University of Malta, University of Bologna, CSIC, Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”, Science and Technology Facilities Council-UKRI, GREMI, CNRS & University of Orléans, National Technical University of Athens, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Institute of Molecular Sciences, University of Cadiz, SIGEA, and Goldbeck Consulting.
For registration to this event, please visit this link.
CEN workshop for the Revision of CWA 17815:2021: “Materials Characterisation – Terminology, Metadata and Classification”
The upcoming CEN workshop for the revision of CWA 17815:2021: “Materials Characterisation – Terminology, Metadata and Classification”, aims to establish a common language (definitions and vocabulary) for materials characterisation and modelling. It is organized by the nanoMECommons project and supported by the European Materials Characterisation Council.
The NanoMECommons project, funded by Horizon 2020 (GA 952869), is building a network of researchers and innovators to tackle the challenge of characterizing nanomaterials across various industries.
The workshop targets professionals in research and development across various industries, particularly those involved in material characterisation and modelling. The resulting CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) will enhance communication among experts in all areas of materials characterisation and modelling and facilitate exchange between industrial end-users, experimentalists, and computational modellers.
Workshop Details:
- Secretariat: UNI, the Italian National Standards Body
- Kick-off Meeting: Online, 24 May 2024, 09:30 – 12:30 CEST
Online Registration is now Open! NMBP-35 workshop: From Research to industry: How Characterisation & Digitization Changed the Game
We invite you to join the NMBP-35 H2020 Projects CHARISMA, NanoMECommons, and EASI-STRESS for our second joint exploitation event!
From Research to Industry: How Characterisation and Digitization Change the Game
Online registration: OPEN
The workshop will be held in Madrid on Wednesday 17 January, 2024, and is supported by the European Materials Characterisation Council (EMCC) and the European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC).
The outcomes of the workshop will be used for an Open Consultation Process, by identifying the community needs in accordance with EC directives in three key thematic areas:
– Industry talks on the topic
– European Materials Modelling and Characterisation Councils vision and objectives
– State-of-the-art research and exploitation of results from running European projects
Participate in our three sessions and join us in fostering collaboration and joining the meeting place for innovation in Europe in the materials characterisation and digitization field.
Organising Projects and Contact Persons
NanoMECommons –
Harmonisation of EU-wide Nanomechanics Protocols and Relevant Data Exchange Procedures, Across Representative Cases; Standardisation, Interoperability, Data Workflow
Costas Charitidis
Georgios Konstantopoulos
Characterization and HARmonization for Industrial Standardisation of Advanced MAterials
Miguel A. Banares
Raquel Portela
European Activity for Standardisation of Industrial residual STRESS characterisation
Nikolaj Zangenberg
Ennio Tito Capria
These projects are supported by the European Union under the HORIZON2020 Framework Programme Grant Agreement no. 952869, no. 952921, and no. 953219.
NMBP-35 joint event “Research to Industry: How Characterisation and Digitization Change the Game” with the support of EMCC
We invite you to join the NMBP-35 H2020 Projects CHARISMA, NanoMECommons, and EASI-STRESS for our second joint exploitation event in person:
From Research to Industry: How Characterisation and Digitization Change the Game
The workshop will be held in Madrid on Wednesday 17 January, 2024, and is supported by the European Materials Characterisation Council (EMCC) and European Materials Modelling Council.
The outcomes of the workshop will be used for an Open Consultation Process, by identifying the community needs in accordance with EC directives in three key thematic areas:
– Industry talks on the topic
– European Materials Modelling and Characterisation Councils vision and objectives
– State-of-the-art research and exploitation of results from running European projects
Participate in our three sessions and join us in EMCC fostering collaboration and joining the meeting place for innovation in Europe in the materials characterisation and digitization field.
Registration Deadline: 22nd December 2023
Register here:
If you would like to present your project in a short pitch talk to industry, contact us via or express your interest using the registration form.
Please find further Information and the draft agenda via the organising projects official websites:
NMBP-35 workshop: From Research to industry: How Characterisation & Digitization Changed the Game
We are looking forward to your participation!
CARAC 2023 event comes to gather togerther all the expertise of the institutes of technological research and institutes for the energy transition in characterization at the service of trust for the industry focusing on reliability of the systems, failure analysis and materials. Le colloquium Carac’2023 aims to present the potential of FIT institutes in terms of characterization, both from the point of view of platform performance and team excellence’. Several topics will be documented and discussed through many application examples, both from the angle of materials and integrated systems. Two questions will be discussed: the efficient exploitation of characterization data, and their implementation in a sustainable and responsible development approach. EMCC will participate in the event with a keynote speech on the characterisation roadmap of EMCC giving the directions to new focus areas in the field of characterisation to support industry in green and digital transition.
Characterization encompasses a broad set of processes by which the structure and properties of materials, components, or systems are probed, imaged and quantified. It allows to understand the phenomena involved and to build predictive models in terms of reliability, evolution and aging. Thus, characterization is a fundamental process, fully integrated into the development of materials and products that result. In its absence, any scientific and technical apprehension of a technological engineering approach remains out of reach.
Characterization helps to adapt the handling, transport, treatment and implementation processes of materials and components to achieve performance adapted to the applications sought. It relates as much to the organization of the object studied on a fine scale (crystal structure or amorphous structure, physico-chemical composition, defects) as to its macroscopic and functional properties (mechanical resistance, electrical response, surface condition, and so on).
It involves the implementation of techniques that range from’ imaging to spectroscopy in different fields of the electromagnetic spectrum as well as mechanical, physicochemical and electromagnetic stressing devices, in particular for the failure analysis. The preparation and conditioning samples, as well as the consolidation and interpretation of data, are a major part of any characterization work.
For R&D, characterization data guides researchers and engineers in optimizing the concepts they deploy and the associated conditions of achievement. For industry, it provides data to ensure proper functioning and failure analysis, control of the environmental footprint and duration of use of the final products. It contributes to the reliability of industrial processes, to the confidence and technological credibility that must necessarily be attributed to them.
Please find more information about the event and the agenda at:
[COLLOQUE] Carac’2023 : La caractérisation au service de la confiance pour l’industrie
Date: 21st November, 2023
Location of the event:
All rights reserved to IRT Nanoelec technological platform.
Survey on characterisation priorities
NanoMECommons project is cordially inviting EMCC community to participate in a survey integral to the consultation of roadmapping activities within the characterisation domain. This encompasses advanced characterisation, data exchange procedures, artificial intelligence, and other pertinent topics, drawing upon the invaluable experiences and insights from your projects.
This survey is a collaborative initiative stemming from the Horizon 2020 project NanoMECommons (Grant Agreement: 952869), building upon the discussions held at the EuroNanoForum 2023 event, particularly the special session of EMCC on advanced characterisation. This survey is endorsed by EMCC board and will contribute to roadmapping activities.
The gathered insights will serve as crucial input for the NanoMECommons project, aiding in mapping priority activities within the characterisation landscape. This effort will help identify gaps and contribute to the development of a framework, enabling characterisation to provide impactful solutions with broader implications at the EU level, particularly in connection with materials design, manufacturing, and the circular economy.
Your active participation in this survey is pivotal to shaping the future of characterisation advancements. For larger companies, it is recommended referencing a specific sector or business line during completion, recognizing that distinct processes or principles may be applicable.
Upon the community request, we extend the deadline for completion to January 12, 2024. To contribute your insights, please follow the survey link provided below:
Should you have any queries or require further clarification, do not hesitate to reach out to us at or
Thank you for your cooperation and valuable input.
Warm regards,
On behalf of NanoMECommons project
OIP-2023 Conference | LIST, Luxembourg | OCT 19-20, 2023 | SAVE THE DATE
Open Innovation and collaborative decision making for materials design and manufacturing
Date: 19.10.2023 – 20.10.2023
City: Luxembourg
Country: Luxembourg
Organisers: EMMC related initiatives VIPCOAT, musicode and OpenModel
Venue: LIST
The EMMC related initiatives VIPCOAT, musicode and OpenModel would like to invite you to OIP-2023 Conference on “Open Innovation and collaborative decision making for materials design and manufacturing”.
The event takes place on OCT 19-20, 2023 at LIST in Luxembourg.
The conference will serve as a platform to discuss cutting-edge advancements, share valuable insights on open innovation for materials modelling, design and manufacturing and will forge meaningful connections.
More information about the conference … HERE
EMCC session in ENF2023 – Message to community
EMCC organised with success the session “Advanced materials characterisation: Digitalisation and Materials Innovation Markets on the spot” in EuroNanoForum 2023 main programme (11-13 June). Many thanks to all the community that supported and contributed to the productive discussions, our chair Victoria PETROVA, our moderator Ennio Capria, and our panelists Costas Charitidis, Marco Sebastiani, Gerhard Goldbeck, Magnus Fredriksson, Peter Klein, Dr. Natalia Konchakova, and Georgios Konstantopoulos. Keep tabs on EMCC for news and updates!
1 Week from EuroNanoForum 2023
European Materials Characterisation Council (EMCC) is ready for the 2023 EuroNanoForum!
Our session is Advanced materials characterisation: Digitalisation and Materials Innovation Markets on the spot – Featuring Alfa Laval!
Date and Time: June 13th, 2023, between 10.45 and 12.45 CEST
Location: Lund, Sweden
In the session organised by EMCC we will:
- Showcase the strategic role of characterisation and digitalisation in the broader framework of AMI2030 in driving innovation and promoting the best use of materials in industry and society.
- Present EMCC approach to address fragmentation and coordinate the integration of communities and capabilities in materials/characterisation & modelling / digitalization / manufacturing, which are highly important for reaching and concluding on the priority actions in the field of characterisation, with impactful outcomes across multiple domains and Strategic Innovation Markets of AMI2030.
- Discuss the underpinning actions required that will be included in the new EMCC Roadmap to support characterisation needs/challenges in industry in connection to technological advances, digitised characterisation, characterisation and modelling/AI interplay, as well as Policy related.
- Introduce in more detail the collaboration framework between EMCC and EMMC, working together to address modelling and characterisation and materials digitalisation challenges.
Participate in our session and have a word in the New EMCC Materials Characterisation Roadmap panel debate and visit us in the poster exhibition!

NanoMECommons Open Day Workshop
We are pleased to announce that NanoMECommons will be delivering its 1st Exploitation and Dissemination Open Day Workshop in Ansys UK premises, located in Cambridge.
The event is FREE, and you are welcome to join the NanoMECommons partners by registering your interest here.
The date of the event is 3-4 July, 2023. Make sure to book your space quickly as the deadline for in person participation closes on 15 June, 2023. Online participation deadline is 2 weeks later, on 28 June.
EMCC members will be there in support of the efforts undertaken by the NanoMECommons project.